Join the FREE 30-Day Abundance Challenge! As we round the corner to the last four months of the year, it's time to shake off those summer doldrums and align with abundance and ... READ the POST
FREE Event – Paint Your Way to Prosperity
News Flash! I just found out that the FREE class that I am teaching next Tuesday is open to the public. I'm teaching it for the art nonprofit that owns my studio. Just got the link to share, so I'm ... READ the POST
Banish Unconscious Money Blocks
Are you ready to get rid of unconscious money blocks and start fresh on a path of creating freedom, independence and a healthy relationship with money? When it comes to money, sooner or later there’s ... READ the POST
Film Heroines as Sacred Money Archetypes
In my well-established 2020 “Netflix and chill” routine, I was inspired recently to reflect on some movie characters and leading ladies who stand out to me as exemplifying the eight Sacred Money ... READ the POST