
Finding the Holy in the Holidays

"Holiness is reached not through effort or will, but by stopping; by an inward coming to rest;a place from which we can embody the mid-winter spirit of our days,a radical, inhabited simplicity,where ... READ the POST


What are you calling in for the remainder of 2022?What do you want to align with for 2023?Join the Hara Circle to strengthen your power to effortlessly manifest your soul's deepest longings.When we ... READ the POST

Purge Your Purse!

Does your purse feel heavy? Like a burden? Is it so stuffed that you have to rummage through it for five minutes to find anything? Purge Your Purse!We can’t have that! It’s one of the homes for your ... READ the POST

What is your vision of Prosperity?

When you think about having more income, less debt or perhaps more savings, what does that really look like in your life? What is your vision of Prosperity?What would your eyes see? What would your ... READ the POST

FREE Abundance Oracle Class

This Saturday, get out your scissors and glue! We're going to unlock hidden Abundance messages just hanging out in your psyche waiting to be discovered.The “Abundance Oracle” is a 2-hour class using ... READ the POST

Create Your 2022 Vision Plan Book

A Colorful, Playful, Creative Approach to Business planning! Hey Sensitive Healers and Coaches! Are you ready for 2022?  Wouldn't it be fun to do a little bit of visioning and creating from the right ... READ the POST